How to Purposefully Meal Prep

Ahh yes, meal prep. The often touted #hashtag of fitness enthusiasts all over Instagram. At first, this might seem like a simple concept. You make food at the beginning of the week; you eat it throughout the week. Yes, at a macro level (oh, the irony) this is what is happening. But a GOOD meal prep takes understanding, consistency, and an ability to eat leftovers and not feel like you are missing out on the finer things in life (for many this is an acquired skill). But seriously, a properly executed meal prep will set you up for nutritional success every day of the week, and that is exactly what we are looking for!

            In order to see the results you are looking for, whether it be losing body fat, gaining muscle, training for sport, etc., consistency is key, and your nutrition HAS to be consistently leading you towards your goals. If it isn’t, you are wasting your efforts over the long term, it will take you longer to reach your goals, and the process will become frustrating. Consistently following whatever nutritional protocol you have aligned yourself with is what will allow you to reap the benefits of said nutritional plan.

            What better way in this busy world to stay consistent than to have all your meals made, put away, and ready to be eaten whenever you decide – especially when you know those meals are helping you get to where you want to be with your health/fitness?

Enter: meal prep.

Nutritionally, your meals should do the following, in general priority of importance:

  • Provide sustenance for you to survive
  • Not cause GI/health issues
  • Help you reach your health/fitness goals in a sustainable manner
  • Make you satiated until the next time you eat
  • Be accessible when you are ready to eat
  • Taste good

            Notice taste good is at the bottom of the list. Now, what you need to understand is that your food CAN and SHOULD taste good. However, if you are looking to achieve any sort of fitness goal, you need to shift your thinking about eating away from it being a short-term comfort or a social activity, and towards it being a means to an end.

Your food is what is getting you to where you want to be. Once you have achieved your goals, or are a healthy, fit individual, you can have the luxury of eating out with friends more frequently or being a bit less strict with what you eat in general. However, if you are just getting started with a nutritional protocol, or are on the path towards a fitness goal that will take time, whatever it may be, I have news for you: you have to have discipline, and often times it is not going to be easy. When people tell you it is, they are lying. Reaching your goals can be hard, and that is what makes it worth it in the end.

            However, don’t get that confused with people thinking your nutrition should be a punishment, or that the harder you are on yourself the more results you will see. This is not the case. The name of the game is sustainability. Your nutrition protocol should be set up to get you in the best shape of your life in a sustainable manner, while not sacrificing any of your mental well being (which oftentimes is an unfortunate byproduct of many fad diets).

            And this is exactly why people meal prep. It is an easy way to make sure they have access to healthy food that will help them reach their fitness goals. Step one is to consider what your nutrition plan is, and what food you need to have access to at specific times throughout the day when you plan on eating. Then, you have to plan if you will have time to make your meal when you will eat it, or prep it before hand. So, for most people, breakfast can be made in the AM (or prepped if you are strapped for time) lunch should be prepped, and dinner is up in the air depending on your schedule.

    Personally, I LOVE the egg meal I make in the morning. I sauté onions, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, a small portion of meat, and sometimes nuts, then add my eggs/egg whites. I get up earlier than I have to each day so I can make and eat this meal fresh. It is my favorite start to my day, it doesn’t interfere with the start of my morning, it is a meal that is helping me reach my fitness goals, and I enjoy it enough to eat consistently seven days a week. Knowing this, I only have to prep lunch and dinner. Before I do this, I consider the following (and encourage you to do the same!):

Will these meals provide with me with the micronutrients and macronutrients I need to maintain proper bodily function and lead me to my health/fitness goals (vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, fats, etc.)? Will they help me achieve all the checkpoints on the priority list above?

If not, what needs to change?

If I can’t change anything, what can I supplement to make sure I am staying healthy? (For me, the answer is vitamin D and fish oil. I encourage everyone to have blood work done to check for any deficiencies.)

Will these meals keep fresh throughout the time I plan on eating them?

For me, this is 6 days, and I home cook all meals on Sundays because I have the time and I love spending the day with my little family.
If not, then you should consider doing two meal preps throughout the week: One on Sunday, and one on Wednesday/Thursday depending on your preference in food and your time available. Nobody wants to eat 6-day-old fish.

Will I get sick of eating these meals throughout the week?

I’m a creature of habit, so the answer for me is no.
If the answer is yes, consider the following:

Meal prep for Sunday-Wednesday, and Wednesday-Saturday to spice things up
Cook more than one option of each food source when you meal prep
Cook a base item, like chicken, and then add various seasonings or toppings throughout the week. You could have chicken and veggies with salsa, with hummus, with hot sauce, and with curry all using the same meal prepped chicken.

Will I have access to a refrigerator at work/during my travels to keep these meals fresh throughout the week?

If not, then get a lunch box (like you had in third grade before it was cool to take paper bags), get an ice pack or three, and bring this with you wherever you go. When I finish my morning training sessions, I go home, write programs and articles, and then pack my cooler for the afternoon/evening I spend at the gym.

            Boom boom boom and boom. Once you have all of these questions answered, it’s time to start your actual meal prep. Knowing exactly what you need is step one, and step two is making it! For most people, you will want to base your meals around protein and vegetables, and you can add in starch from there if it’s necessary depending on your goals. So, for lunch and dinner, your best bet is to do the following:

Pick at least two proteins that keep well (chicken, beef, turkey, and all their variations are a good bet)
Pick at least two vegetables that you enjoy eating with your proteins (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and spinach are some of my favorites)
Cook them. It’s very easy to bake chicken, oven-roast vegetables, and cook ground turkey/beef on the stove all under an hour.
Put them in your tupper ware containers, portioned out by meal. And you are set! You have your protein and veggies for lunch, and you have a different protein and veggies for dinner. Need a starch? Chef up some rice and you are ready to rock!

            Just like that, you are part of the #fitfam that meal preps. You are ready to CRUSH your week of eating, training, and getting to whatever fitness goal you are chasing! As always, don’t focus so much on the little things, like:

“What spices should I use?”
“Should I put my meals in one big container or little ones at the beginning of the week?”
“How many preps should I do in a week? 1? 2? 3?”

            The answer to most of the questions is as follows: Pick your foods, prep them, and see how it goes. Don’t like pre-portioning your meals and you would rather keep them in one big container and portion them as you go? Remember that for the next week. Find yourself enjoying chicken every week? Keep making it. The answer is to see what works for you, and keep doing that. As always, don’t worry about being perfect, worry about getting started, and from there, perfect your meal prep as you go!

Yours in health,

-Max Gordon, CSCS, FNS, Nutrition Coach, Fitness Instructor & Coach

Josefs Pharmacy Offers Free Flu Shots

Major media reported this week the flu season is already “moderately severe” and may get worse. Josefs Pharmacy is hosting a Free Flu Shot event at each of our stores for 1 day only. 100 free flu shots are available at each store. Pre-registration is required. Ages 14 and up only.

Event Dates

Monday January 22, 2018, 10:00am-5:00pm: Josefs Pharmacy, 2100 New Bern Ave, Raleigh, NC, 919.212.2555

Tuesday January 23, 2018, 10:00am-5:00pm: Main Street Pharmacy, 213 West Main Street, Durham, NC, 919.688.1368

Wednesday January 24, 2018, 10:00am-5:00pm: Josefs Pharmacy, 3421 North Roxboro St, Durham, NC, 919.680.1540

Register here:

To prevent lines and long waits, flu shots are only available with advance registration. The
registration link is at Walk-ups will not be accepted.  If the booking link is down, please call the desired pharmacy location to register.

Back to School: A Handy Health & Safety Checklist

It’s just about that time again: Time to switch from swimsuits to school clothes and from beach bags to backpacks. That’s the easy part. What about preparing your child to have the healthiest and safest school year possible? Here’s a handy checklist to help.

  1. Schedule medical, eye, and dental checkups. Before school starts, check with the pediatrician to see if your child needs any immunizations. Vision and hearing tests are also a good idea, although schools perform hearing tests during certain grades.1 If your child is playing sports, ask the pediatrician whether a special checkup is needed. With certain sports, concussions can be a serious problem. Talk to the doctor about ways to protect your child.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  2. Organize your child’s medical history records. Provide copies to your child’s school or daycare providers. I can help you pull some of this together, but the list should include your child’s:
  • Prescription medications
  • Medical problems such as asthma or allergies
  • Previous surgeries
  • Emergency contacts2
  1. Communicate about transportation. Some kids get dropped up and picked up by parents. Others carpool. Still others walk, bike, or take the bus. And, of course, teens may have their own wheels. Regardless, it’s important that your kids be—and feel—safe getting to and from school.
  • If you or another adult picks up your child, agree on a time and place for pickups. Explain what to do if the driver is running late.
  • If your child walks or bikes, do a dry run and explain any potential traffic hazards.
  • If your child or teen takes the bus, find a safe route and agree on a visible pick-up and drop-off spot. Ideally, this is a place where other kids are around and adults can clearly see them.
  • If your teen drives to school, be crystal clear about safe driving—including ditching that teen temptation: texting while driving.

Create an emergency plan in case anything goes awry. In fact, make sure your child knows what to do in an emergency—whether at home or at school or anywhere in between.2

  1. Remember that there’s more to school than hitting the books. For example, good nutrition and exercise are essential for brain health. Here are a few other reminders:
  • Be consistent about bedtime and wake-up times. Growing kids need at least 8 hours of sleep—and teens need even more.1
  • Make homework a habit by having clear routines. But don’t overlook free time and friend time.
  • Explain ways to prevent infection such as by regularly washing hands and by not sharing hats or other clothing. That’s one way lice get around!
  • Keep lines of communication open. Listen for signs of bullying or other concerns. Many parents find that car rides are a great time to have nonthreatening conversations with their kids. Contact the school if a problem like bullying does arise.3,4

Now about those school supplies…. Come by the store to stock up. And while you’re here, we can talk over your health and safety plans for the school year.

Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice.  You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.



1. WebMD: Back-to-School Health Checklist. Available at: Accessed 7/3/16.

2. EmergencyCareForYou: Homework for Parents—Your Child’s Back-To-School Health Checklist. Available at: Accessed 7/3/16.

3. National Association Of School Nurses: Back to School Family Checklist. Available at: Accessed 7/3/16.

4. CDC: Back to School Health & Safety Checklist. Available at: Accessed 7/3/16.

Fun in the Sun—or Defeat in the Heat?

Did you know that the number of hot days—and warm nights—is increasing? In the U.S., record high temperatures now outnumber record lows at least two to one.1 What can you do to protect yourself in a heat wave—or simply in the hot summer sun?

Know signs of trouble. Heat cramps are an early sign that your body is suffering from the heat—they’re more likely with heavy exercise or work. Along with muscle cramps, you may sweat heavily and feel very thirsty or fatigued.2

Heat exhaustion can happen when you lose lots of fluids from heavy sweating.3 These are a few other signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness or feeling weak or confused
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Cool, moist skin
  • Dark-colored urine, a sign of dehydration2,4

If not treated, heat exhaustion can develop into heatstroke, which can be deadly because the body loses the ability to cool itself. Call 9-1-1 if someone shows signs of shock, becomes very confused, has a seizure, has a fever over 102 degrees F, breathes rapidly or has a rapid pulse, or loses consciousness. 2,3

Nip problems in the bud. If you have symptoms of heat exhaustion, get out of the heat as quickly as you can. Rest in a cool, shady place with your feet raised. Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid alcohol or caffeine. Apply cool compresses or take a cool shower or bath. Contact a doctor if you don’t feel better within 30 minutes.4

Beat the heat. In a heat wave, take these steps:

  • Avoid taxing activities if you can.
  • Stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm.5
  • If you don’t have air conditioning, go to a library, mall, or other public place to cool down for a few hours.
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. Avoid dark colors, which trap the heat.
  • Use a hat or umbrella outdoors.
  • Allow your car to cool off before you get in.
  • Drink water and eat small meals often. Drink less alcohol and fewer caffeinated drinks.
  • Don’t take salt tablets unless your doctor tells you to.2,3,4

Protect those at increased risk. Help protect those who are most vulnerable in the heat. That includes children, older adults, and people who are obese, ill, exercising vigorously, or not used to the heat or high humidity.2 For example, make sure young ones drink plenty of water. And you might check in on your elderly neighbor once in a while.

It’s important to know that certain medicines can also increase your risk of heatstroke. This includes allergy, blood pressure, and seizure drugs as well as medicines used for mental health conditions. Let’s talk this over to make sure you stay safe and know the signs of problems. And, if you have a chronic condition, it’s a great idea to ask
your doctor about other ways to lower your risk of heatstroke. 4

Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice.  You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.


  1. Climate Communication: Heat Waves. Available at: Accessed 5-23-16.
  2. MedlinePlus: Heat emergencies. Available at: Accessed 5-23-16.
  3. Healthy Roads Media: Heat Waves. Available at: Accessed 5-23-16.
  4. Heat exhaustion and Heatstroke. Available at: Accessed 5-23-16.
  5. FDA: Sun Protection. Available at: Accessed 5-23-16.


9 Screening Tests for Men

Are you one of those guys who can’t remember the last time you stepped foot in a doctor’s office? Sure, maybe you’ve gotten in for something urgent, but what about scheduling an annual exam or screening tests? Maybe you simply forget, think you already have healthy habits, or insist that you “feel just fine.” Sorry, guys…. Not quite good enough.

Regular checkups and screening tests aren’t something you can afford to ignore. Baseline tests can help your doctor know how your health is changing over time. Plus, silent killers such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol can wreak havoc—and you wouldn’t have a clue without being tested.

Here’s a simple screening cheat sheet to make your life easier.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm. If you have ever smoked, get this ultrasound test one time between ages 65 and 75. This test will show whether or not your largest artery (abdominal aorta) is bulging. If it is, it may burst, putting you at risk for bleeding—and even death.

Blood pressure. Starting at age 18:

  • Get tested at least every 2 years if your blood pressure is lower than 120/80.
  • Get tested once a year if your blood pressure is between 120/80 and 139/89.
  • Discuss treatment with your doctor if your blood pressure is 140/90 or higher.

Cholesterol. From age 20 to 34, get a regular cholesterol test if you are at increased risk for heart disease. At age 35, get a regular cholesterol test. Ask your doctor how often you need to do this.

Colorectal cancer. Get screened for colorectal cancer from age 50 to 75. This screening may include one or more tests, such as fecal occult blood testing, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy. Ask your doctor which test is best for you and how often you need it.

Depression. Ask your doctor about being screened for depression if over the past weeks:

  • You have felt sad or hopeless
  • You have lost interest or pleasure in doing the things you normally enjoy

Diabetes. Starting at age 18, get screened if your blood pressure is higher than 135/80 or if you take high blood pressure medicine.

Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Get screened once if you:

  • Were born between 1945 and 1965.
  • Have ever injected drugs.
  • Received a blood transfusion before 1992.

Lung cancer. Ask your doctor whether or not to be screened if you:

  • Are between 55 and 80.
  • Have a 30 pack-year smoking history. (This is the number of packs smoked per day times the number of years you smoked.)
  • Smoke now or quit within the past 15 years.

Overweight and obesity. This is a test you can do yourself. Find your body mass index (BMI) by entering your weight and height into an online BMI calculator.

Discuss with your doctor whether you are at increased risk for any other diseases. If so, you may need other tests.

Be honest with your health care provider and me. Be sure to let us know what worries you—whether it’s your weight, alcohol use, or challenges with anxiety. Think of us as your partners in health. We can do a much better job of helping you if we fully understand your health challenges and concerns.

Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice.  You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.



  1. AHRQ: Men: Stay Healthy at Any Age. Available at: Accessed 5-4-16.
  2. OWH: Screening tests for men. Available at: Accessed 5-4-16.



Heart Health: The Facts of Woman’s Heart Attack

Did you know that the symptoms of a woman’s heart disease are different and atypical than a man’s?  For example, chest pain may not be a described symptom for women experiencing a heart attack.  Examples of most common symptoms experienced by women include:

  • Pain, heaviness, discomfort, or pressure in the chest/abdominal area – Pain that extends to the jaw, neck, shoulder, inner arm, and upper back.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Unusual, extreme fatigue
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

For more information, visit

New U.S. Dietary Guidelines

Based on the most recent science, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released at the beginning of 2016. Before you say, “here we go again,” let’s take a closer look. The guidelines may sound familiar, but there are some differences from years past.1

Overall guidelines. For the most part, these guidelines don’t advise you about how much to eat of different foods, such as vegetables or meat. Instead, they focus on helping you fit healthy eating into their own unique lifestyle. To that end, they provide three examples of healthy eating plans: a healthy American diet, a Mediterranean-style diet, and a vegetarian diet.

What these three types of diets share is an emphasis on more plant-based foods, healthy fats, and whole grains. The guidelines also suggest making meals and snacks from scratch. That helps avoid the common pitfalls of processed foods, such as high levels of salt and sugar.

Overall, a healthy eating pattern includes:

  • Any vegetable, but preferably a wide variety
  • Fruits, especially whole ones
  • Grains—with at least half being whole grains
  • Fat-free or low-fat dairy
  • A variety of protein sources, including seafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and soy products
  • Oils1

Specific guidelines. The last set of guidelines came out in 2010. They simply advised people to reduce their intake of added sugars, without giving numbers. The newest guidelines, however, are more specific. They suggest you limit added sugars to fewer than 10 percent of your daily calories. Right now, added sugars account for more than 13 percent of Americans’ daily calories. 1

Soft drinks, fruit drinks, sweetened coffee or tea, flavored waters, and alcoholic beverages account for nearly 50 percent of all added sugars we consume. A recent study revealed that people who drink sugary drinks daily tend to put on more deep belly fat over time.2 That’s the kind of fat that surrounds vital organs and is linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Other sources of added sugars are snacks and sweets, as well foods like bread and prepared meals.

                        The new guidelines also suggest that you limit saturated fats to no more than 10 percent of your daily calories. That’s a goal that fewer than a third of Americans meet. Sadly, these fats can increase levels of bad cholesterol, and your risk of stroke and heart disease.4 About a third of saturated fat comes from prepared foods containing cheese or meat—foods like burgers, tacos, and pizza—as well as dairy products, snacks, and sweets.1

Finally, the guidelines advise eating fewer than 2,300 milligrams per day of salt—a little less than a teaspoon. That’s a guideline that nearly all Americans are failing to meet. But it’s not something to ignore. That’s because too much salt can increase blood pressure, which also increases risks of heart disease and stroke.3

Don’t know where to begin? Stop by and we’ll have a chat. I can offer you a tip or two!

Nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or is a substitute for professional advice.  You should always seek the advice of your physician or other medical professional if you have questions or concerns about a medical condition.




Ask Your Pharmacist About The Warning Signs Of Diabetes

Hello, this is Finny Joseph, your Pharmacist at Josefs Pharmacy.  Did you know that an estimated 30 million people in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes; many are our family, friends and neighbors. That’s about 1 out of every 11 people or over 9% of the population. What you may not know is that all people with diabetes have a higher risk for eye disease.  1 out of 4 people don’t even know they have diabetes. We are shining a light on this lifetime disease by informing you about the symptoms and warning signs of diabetes.

The warning signs for diabetes are often missed because they can be mild. Some don’t discover the disease until it has caused long-term damage.  Common symptoms and warning signs of diabetes include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger despite regular meals
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Cuts and/or bruises that are slow to heal
  • Weight loss despite regular meals

Early detection and treatment is key.  Research shows you can lower your risk 58% by losing 7% of your body weight and exercising moderately (e.g. a brisk walk) for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

If you have questions or want a free diabetes consultation, please call us to schedule an appointment or stop by and see us. We can inform you about the risk, warning signs and way to prevent the onset of this disease. We look forward to helping you.

Stay healthy and happy this winter!

What You Need To Know About The 2016 Influenza Season

  • It takes abouflu shots 2t two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against the flu.
  • Flu activity most commonly peaks in the United States between December and February.
  • CDC recommends yearly flu vaccines for everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against this serious disease.
  • Talk to the pharmacist about the immunizations available to you.  919-212-2555


The Facts about Good Mental Health

The term “mental health” encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Included are our abilities to handle stress, interact with others, and make decisions. Mental health problems can affect your thinking, mood, and behavior.

There are several factors that contribute to mental health problems:

  • Genes
  • Brain chemistry
  • Life experiences, such as trauma and abuse
  • Family history of mental health issues

Many people suffering from mental health problems completely recover with treatment. There are many early warning signs, including eating or sleeping too much or too little, being reclusive, having low energy levels, feeling like nothing matters, feeling helpless, substance abuse, and severe mood swings. Contact your physician if you believe you or someone else displays these warning signs. Help is available for mental health problems.


Medical Information Disclaimer

The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

Cholesterol 101

You may hear a lot about the dangers of cholesterol and the health risks high cholesterol can cause. It may surprise you to know that cholesterol is one of the substances the body produces and needs to stay healthy. So why is everyone so concerned about it?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that your body produces and that you ingest through food. Your body, mainly the liver, produces all the cholesterol you need, but gets more from the meat, poultry, and full-fat dairy products you eat. Additionally, your liver produces more cholesterol when your diet is high in saturated and trans fats.

The danger is that excess cholesterol can form plaque between layers of artery walls, making it difficult for the heart to circulate blood. In some cases, plaque can break open and lead to blood clots, which can cause strokes and heart attacks depending on if and where the clot blocks blood flow.

What you need to know is that there are two types of cholesterol, one that is “good” and one that is “bad”. Too much of one type or a deficiency of the other can put you at risk for coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. The key to prevention is knowing the levels of cholesterol in your blood. Talk to your physician about your cholesterol and work with him/her to find the best plan to keep you healthy. The easiest steps you can take are maintaining a healthy diet and exercising frequently.



Medical Information Disclaimer

The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN




Let’s Talk About Aging and Sleep

September is National Healthy Aging Month, in addition to serving several other nationally recognized health awareness causes, as well. Part of every person’s general health is getting adequate sleep. Clear signs of inconsistent sleep include irritability, inattentiveness, and increased chance for accidents.

There are two types of sleep: non-rapid eye movement (NREM sleep) and rapid eye movement (REM sleep). When falling asleep, we first go through the four stages of NREM sleep, ranging from light to deep sleep. After completing the fourth stage, one enters REM sleep, when dreaming often occurs. The name “rapid eye movement” describes the back and forth motion of the eyes under the eyelids during this stage of sleep. Muscles also become immobile in REM sleep. We cycle through the stages of NREM and REM sleep approximately every 90 minutes throughout the night.

Sleep needs and patterns change with age. For instance, children and adolescents need more sleep than do adults. Older adults need seven to nine hours per night, the same amount of sleep young adults require. Many older adults report difficulties falling asleep. Additionally, older adults tend to sleep less soundly and wake up more frequently throughout the night than do younger adults. The body’s regulation of sleep also changes with age, as older adults tend to be sleepier earlier in the evening and wake earlier in the morning.

Several potential causes could explain these changes. Older adults may produce more melatonin, the hormone responsible for controlling sleep. They may also have increased sensitivity to changes in their environment, such as to noise and temperature. If you have trouble sleeping, see your doctor or a sleep specialist. Despite the fact that the ways in which our bodies sleep change with age, all age groups should be getting adequate sleep. Age does not diminish the quality of your sleep.


Medical Information Disclaimer

The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

Summer Cold or Seasonal Allergies?

It is typical for people to associate the winter months with catching the common cold. However, summer presents many conditions and situations that make it easy to catch a cold virus. The symptoms such as sneezing, sniffling, and fatigue are all the more frustrating during the summer months, when people would prefer to be outside enjoying the warm weather. We have some tips for avoiding summertime sickness.

Catching a cold virus in the summer is made easier by the fact that people tend to be more active this time of year, especially out in the heat. Possible fatigue and dehydration resulting from this activity can weaken the immune system and make symptoms of a cold worse. Additionally, travel is much more common in the summer. Travel on airplanes can expose people to the cold virus as they fly with hundreds of others who could be sources of the virus.

However, many are prone to seasonal allergies in the summer and may mistake allergy symptoms for a cold. There are two easy ways to tell the difference. First, a cold’s symptoms typically appear one at a time and last around ten days. Allergy symptoms typically manifest all at once. Second, while both produce nasal discharge, a cold will produce yellow discharge and allergies usually produce clear, watery discharge. As always, if you have questions about your symptoms or are concerned about them, consult your physician.

The treatment for the summer cold is the same as for a winter cold. Despite the fact that people want to return to their summer activities as quickly as possible, it is recommended that you rest as much as possible. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. For any questions or for other treatment considerations, contact your physician.



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Tips for Healthy Eyes

Vision is something that may be easy to forget about when there isn’t a problem. The eyes are a very important part of the body for daily life, so it is important to know how to keep them healthy. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your vision safe.


  1. Get regular eye exams. Many people who say their eyesight is the sense they value most don’t think about preventative care and haven’t been to the eye doctor in three years. Unfortunately, many eye diseases can abruptly result in vision loss, so it is always best to get regular check-ups to ensure no diseases are present in your eyes. Adults over 40 need to have yearly eye exams to prevent age-related conditions that cause eyesight to deteriorate. Children need their first eye exam between six and twelve months of age.
  2. Let your eye doctor know your health history. Many conditions such as hypertension, blood pressure, and diabetes can affect eyesight. Alert your doctor to your health history so they can better identify, treat, or prevent any damage to the eyes as a result of other conditions.
  3. Control air quality in the home and office. Winter leads to home and office heating systems creating dry air that can cause strain on your eyes. Consider getting a portable humidifier to prevent irritation and dry eyes.
  4. Have a medical kit in your home and include saline solution. When doing anything that involves chemicals, dust, or other airborne particles, wear safety goggles. If you accidentally splash soap in your eye at home, rinse thoroughly with saline for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinsing is the best way to clear the eyes. See a doctor if any irritation persists or if you believe your sight is in danger.
  5. If you wear contacts, replace the case. One main reason people experience issues with their eyes is because they don’t maintain their contacts properly. If you have lenses, store the case in a dry space that isn’t a breeding ground for bacteria. Completely rinse and dry the case before storing the lenses in it each time. Replace the case after no more than two months.
  6. Drink a little caffeine… only a little. Two servings of caffeinated beverage each day can help protect against dry eyes. However, more than two can deplete the tear film in your eyes and cause dryness and irritation.
  7. Regularly eat leafy greens, dark berries, and fish. Eating carrots does NOT improve your vision (even though they can’t hurt). Spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts, dark berries such as blueberries and blackberries, and foods rich in omega-3s can reduce inflammation in the blood vessels in the eye. Berries also contain lutein, which protects against the destructive eye condition macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss for people over the age of 60. Include these foods in your diet to help keep your eyes healthy.


Contact your physician or eye care professional with any questions you have about eye health. Vision is a vital part of life for most people. Protect it by taking a few easy steps.



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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Summertime Stings

Summer is a time of year when people enjoy being outside. Whether you spend time having picnics, mowing the lawn, or walking through your neighborhood, summer is a favorite season for fun in the sun. A common health hazard that few think of, however, is the bug bite or sting. For most people a bee, hornet, or wasp sting is just painful, but three in 100 people have allergic reactions to insect stings. Often, people with allergies don’t know they have them until the sting occurs. In many cases, these allergies can be life-threatening.

There are some simple steps to keeping insects away. First, avoid wearing heavy perfumes or colognes, wear light colors and avoid floral patterns (both dark colors and florals attract stinging insects), and be sure to guard your sugary drinks like soda. For most people, a sting will cause pain and swelling of the affected site. See a doctor or the ER immediately if you have:

  • Hives, itchiness, or swelling over large sections of your body.
  • Tightness in your chest or trouble breathing.
  • Swelling of your tongue or face.
  • Dizziness or the feeling you will pass out.

Being outside in the summer can be a lot of fun, so don’t let insects get in your way. Just know how to deal with a sting. See your physician if you have any questions about a big bite or sting.


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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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