The Seven Risk Factors of Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases
Autoimmune diseases affect over 24 million Americans, with thyroid disease responsible for about 20 million cases.1 Autoimmune thyroid diseases can be underdiagnosed and many people may not know that they are affected. Do not let that scare you!1 Look no further to learn about autoimmune thyroid diseases, risk factors, and the importance of early diagnoses. […]
Balancing the All-Controlling Thyroid
Thyroid disease affects all ages and can be present at birth, inherited, medication-induced, related to a past thyroid or inflammatory condition like lupus or Type 1 diabetes, or develop over time like after menopause. Additionally, females are about seven times more likely to have thyroid disease than males.1 An imbalanced thyroid may have a large […]
Don’t Let Your Life Go Up In Smoke: Ways to Quit Smoking
Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable diseases and death in the United States, killing more than 480,000 Americans each year. The United States spends more than $300 billion on smoking related illnesses. These illnesses include lung cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and many more, leading to a […]
The Latest on Vitamin D: It’s Not Just for Your Bones!
Over the last year, so much focus has been placed on not getting sick and staying healthy. We all know that eating well, getting enough sleep, and washing our hands are some of the keys to keeping ourselves healthy. Part of the reason these elements work is because they affect our immune system. There are […]
Eat, Sleep, and Be Healthy: Nutrition Basics that Everyone Should Know
Have you ever heard the saying “you are what you eat?” We can take pills all day, however medications often are a quick fix if we are not fueling our bodies properly. Eating healthy can promote weight loss, improve brain function, prevent medical conditions, like heart disease and diabetes, and boost mood or energy level. […]
Seven Ways to Help Strengthen your Immune System
Sleep and immunity are closely related. Inadequate or poor-quality sleep is linked to a higher susceptibility to illness. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Having good sleep hygiene is important to ensuring a good quality sleep. Still having issues falling asleep? Consider these supplements to help you fall asleep. Healthy foods […]
Everything You Need to Know about COVID-19 Vaccines
For the past year, we have been faced with unprecedented times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of December 2020, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel as vaccines become available. What are mRNA vaccines? Traditional vaccines work by using a weakened/inactivate portion of the virus to help our […]
Everything You Need to Know about COVID-19
What is the Coronavirus? Coronavirus is a virus that attacks the respiratory tract and causes a flu-like illness. There are many different coronaviruses but the one we are going to focus on today is the 2019 novel coronavirus also known as SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19. The abbreviated name (COVID-19) can be broken down into its individual […]
Love Your Heart: All You Need to Know About Hypertension
It’s that time of year to raise awareness of how important it is to focus on heart health. Spread the word, motivating each other to make healthy lifestyle changes and prevent heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, so let’s fight this together! What is hypertension?1 Hypertension is […]
The Highs and The Lows: Living with Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disease, caused by no or too little insulin production that affects millions of Americans. As food is broken down by the intestines, glucose or sugar is released into the blood. In response, insulin is released from the pancreas to help move glucose into your cells. Extra glucose is stored within the […]
COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Need To Know
This year, the pandemic caused by COVID-19, has led to the loss of many loved ones, friends, and acquaintances. We all have been working hard to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines by wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands to help prevent us from getting sick, and control the pandemic. […]
Jonathan Harward Awarded 2020 National Preceptor of the Year Award by NCPA Foundation
Copied verbatim from > Current Link ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Oct. 20, 2020) – Jonathan Harward, pharmacy manager at Josefs Pharmacy in Raleigh, N.C., was honored as the recipient of the 2020 National Preceptor of the Year Award by the National Community Pharmacists Association Foundation as part of NCPA’s Annual Convention, which was held virtually. Harward, who […]
CMRs: What is the Comprehensive Medication Review?

CMRs allows the patient and pharmacist to work together to improve patients’ knowledge of their medications, empowering patients to take ownership of their health. CMRs, unlike targeted interventions that address one condition or a single medication, are all-inclusive and can be time-consuming.
Everything You Need To Know About Ranitidine (Zantac) Recall
If you or someone you know takes the medication ranitidine for occasional heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you may be aware that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recalled and removed the medication from the market due to concerns of a cancer-causing impurity.
Phase Two of North Carolina’s reopening
To our valued Patient, I hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. This time of isolation has offered time for the team at Josefs Pharmacy to reflect and realize how fortunate we are to be able to serve you. Our mission has always been to be […]