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Wednesday, June 10th begins National Men’s Health Week 2015. In honor of this special week, the Center for Disease Control has created a list of basic tips for men to stay healthy. To celebrate Men’s Health Week, try some of these helpful hints for feeling well!

  1. Keep a regular sleep schedule. Many people do not get enough hours of sleep. Lack of sleep is associated with several chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Running on too few hours of sleep is also responsible for motor vehicle accidents and work-related accidents. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep.
  2. No tobacco. Saying no to tobacco has many health benefits, such as lowering risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other illnesses. Do your best to avoid secondhand smoke, when others around you are smoking.
  3. Get some exercise. The average adult needs at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week. Also, include exercises that work the muscles in your legs, hips, abdomen, back, and arms on at least two days a week. It is best not to have one large workout session in a week, but to have more than one.
  4. Have a healthy diet. Your body needs fruits and vegetables. They are your best source of vitamins and minerals. Do not eat a lot of sugar, salt, far, and high calorie foods. Having a healthy diet lowers your risk of chronic diseases.
  5. Keep track of your health and talk to your doctor. Regular doctor checkups are very important. Some illnesses do not have symptoms, but a doctor can tell you if you have them. Always look for signs and symptoms you can If anything worries you, talk to your doctor as quickly as possible. Keep track of your blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), and any other numbers your doctor tells you to watch. Ask your doctor if there are any vaccinations you need.


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